Pursuing Jesus

Messages preached at First United Methodist Church, Pittsburg, Texas. Most are by Dr. Richard Heyduck.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Seeing People

 What could be the consequences of our learning to see people the way Jesus sees them?

Being Human

 An investigation into the Christian view of what it means to be human

The Big Story

 There's a "big story," a large narrative, that connects the Bible from beginning to end. God invites us to be willing and active participants in this story.

Monday, January 02, 2023

The Scripture Way of Salvation

 John Wesley found prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace in his sermon on Ephesians 2. The Methodist tradition has followed him on this. That understanding of grace reflects what we see in scripture, but is not the full picture of what we see there. Attention to the whole of Ephesians 2 shows us the communal dimensions of grace as well.

The Key to the Community

 The Samaritan woman Jesus talks with at a well proves to be the key to reaching her community. Who might be the key to reaching our community?

When God Volunteers Us

 In Acts 9 we see God calling Ananias and giving him an important task - without consulting him at all. Sometimes God volunteers us without consulting us.

Discerning God's Work

 In Acts 9 we find some clues to how we can discern God's work in our lives and in the world.

The Road to Texarkana

 Paul ran into Jesus on the Road to Damascus. From his experience we can learn to tell our own stories of running into Jesus.