Pursuing Jesus

Messages preached at First United Methodist Church, Pittsburg, Texas. Most are by Dr. Richard Heyduck.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dangerous Things: Speech

The power of speech allows us to accomplish so much in the world. Our use of words can be for good or for ill. God invites us to speak in such a way that others are built up.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dangerous Things: Affluence

We love the idea of being affluent: we see that whenever the lottery prize amount sends us into a frenzy. But even while we see people buying up the Powerball tickets in hopes of wealth, we also see continuous coverage of the dangers of affluence, as illustrated in a young man who fled to Mexico to escape the consequences of his actions. God offers a better way.

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Dangerous Power

We all need power to accomplish our normal tasks of life and to reach our personal goals. Power is a great thing; like grace and freedom, however, it can be used in ways that destroy ourselves and the people around us. We see most clearly how God wants power to be used when we look at Jesus.

Dangerous Freedom

Jesus offers and calls us to freedom. Freedom is a great thing that we all want. But freedom can be misused in such a way that it hurts us and the people around us.

Dangerous Grace

Grace is central not only to the Christian tradition as a whole, but to the Methodist tradition in particular. Because we're sinners, we desperately need grace. But grace is dangerous. We can misuse it. In spite of its possible misuse, God gives it to us anyway.