Pursuing Jesus

Messages preached at First United Methodist Church, Pittsburg, Texas. Most are by Dr. Richard Heyduck.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Discerning God's Will

 As we pay attention to the mercies of God and offer ourselves as "living sacrifices," we get to the place where we can discern God's will.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

God Remembers (and Forgets)

 One of the criminals crucified with Jesus said to him, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." It took great faith to ask that of a man being crucified. When we're faced with death - the transience of our lives - God remembers us. But God also forgets our sins, not holding them over us.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Serving with a Heart of Love

 Having invited Jesus and his disciples for lunch, Martha got to work with the preparations. Mary, instead of helping her sister, just sits there and listens to Jesus. How can we learn from both of them as we seek to support the church with our service?

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Faithfulness with Finances

While in the Temple, Jesus and his disciples watched people put in their offerings. Some gave large amounts out of their wealth; one poor widow gave all she had, 2 small copper coins. Why did she give? Why did she give it all? Why do we give.

A Life Open to Jesus & to Others

 As United Methodists we say that we will "support the church with our PRESENCE." This means more (not less) than "being there." Just as Jesus remained present to his disciples, even his betrayer, he invites us to be present to each other.

Getting God's Heart for People through Prayer

 We learn how to support the church through prayer from Nehemiah (chs. 1 & 9) Jesus (Luke 19:41ff), and Paul (Acts 17).