Pursuing Jesus

Messages preached at First United Methodist Church, Pittsburg, Texas. Most are by Dr. Richard Heyduck.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Jesus vs. the gods: Mammon

Monday, January 23, 2017

Jesus vs. the gods: Nike

Nike, the Greek goddess of Victory, says, "You get your value from being a winner."

Monday, January 16, 2017

Questions & Answers

An opportunity for people to ask their questions anonymously. Questions about the Bible, church, Christian faith, etc.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why Was Jesus Baptized?

John preached a "baptism of repentance." Sinners flocked to him, repenting of their sins. So why did Jesus, a non-sinner come to be baptized?

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Renewing the Covenant

At the end of his career, Joshua calls the people of Israel together to renew their covenant. Here at the New Year is a traditional time for Methodists to renew our own covenant with God.

Christmas Presents

In Philippians 2 we see how the Son, though in very nature God, did not exploit that equality but emptied himself - for our sake. Jesus is the greatest Christmas present imaginable. Have you received that gift?

Dangerous Baby Jesus?

In Matthew 2 we see that King Herod thought harmless, helpless, even cute(!) baby Jesus was dangerous. How could he have thought such a thing? Should we take Jesus as dangerous?

Living Between the Comings

During the season of Advent we remember Jesus' first coming (birth in Bethlehem) and look forward to his second coming. How do we live in this in-between-time?